Last night, the AGISD Board of Trustees agreed with the recommendations of the 20-member Facilities Improvement Committee and voted unanimously (6-0) of all members present to call a $16 million bond election for AGISD on May 7, 2022.
The $16 million would address the following:
Classroom addition at elementary (planned for 6 classrooms)
New competition gym for high school (location to be determined as there are a few choices)
Renovations to existing CTE building, where ag/wood shop is currently, to provide for CTE center for additional course offerings
The school board has agreed to contribute up to $1 million dollars from fund balance towards the CTE center to bring the total building program to $17 million. However, voters will be asked to fund $16 million through a bond package. The tax impact would be an increase of .3165 cents on the total tax rate (from .9996 AGISD tax rate to 1.3161 AGISD tax rate). This is also considering the new homestead exemption proposal in the state passes which would increase the existing exemption from $25,000 to the new proposed $40,000.
Please check back very soon with our Facebook page and school district website as information will be posted regarding the bond proposal. If you have any questions, please feel free to send those to Dr. Cole McClendon, Superintendent at the following email
Thank you!