At Monday night's school board meeting, the AGISD Board of Trustees approved the construction of a new, state-of-art, agricultural project center to begin end of this month. The project center will house animal projects for our FFA students and provide learning opportunities for years to come. The structure includes climate-controlled housing for small animal species such as swine, sheep, and goats as well as cattle pens under overhead roofing which allows for good air circulation. It also includes a small show arena area where students can show and practice "ring time" with their animals. The project center will be located adjacent to our older facility which will be demolished in the process of new construction under the direction of Jackson Construction (Quitman) and Harris-Craig Architects (Tyler). We are excited about this addition to our CATE (career/technology education) program and look forward to seeing the FFA motto in action, "Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve"!

Agricultural Project Center Approved
February 10, 2021